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Sigma Group is sorted into five business areas. Listed below, you’ll find all of our companies and offices. Choose a specific area to filter out the companies within this area.

  • Sigma Technology

Sigma Technology is a leading global supplier of innovative solutions in information and technology, with a focus on product information, embedded solutions, software design, and offshore development.

  • Headquarters

    Lindholmspiren 9, 5th floor 417 56 Göteborg Sweden

Carl Vikingsson  |  CEO

  • Sigma Software

Sigma Software provides top-quality software engineering services for global corporations, software product houses and start-ups in Europe and the US.

  • Headquarters

    1, Ac. Proskura Str. 61070, Kharkiv Ukraine

Valery Krasovsky  |  CEO

  • Sigma Connectivity

Sigma Connectivity is a world-class design and development house with the ability to transform ideas into reality.

  • Headquarters

    Mobilvägen 10 223 62 Lund Sweden

Björn Lundqvist  |  CEO

  • Lundinova by Sigma Connectivity

    Lundinova is a product development company, specialized in electronics, software, industrial design and project management. Lundinova works in many different industries, including environmental technology, industry, telecommunications and medical technology.

  • Sigma Connectivity Engineering

    Sigma connectivity Engineering offers onsite consulting, with a focus on embedded technologies and the IoT solutions of the future.

  • Sigma Civil

Sigma Civil offers technical consulting services on the Swedish market, with its main focus on infrastructure, structural engineering and project management.

  • Headquarters

    Stora Varvsgatan 11 211 74 Malmö Sweden

Anders Dannqvist  |  CEO

Sigma Industry offers advanced consultancy services within areas such as product development, industrial design, process technology, calculation, production systems and project management. Sigma Industry consists of Sigma Industry South, Sigma Industry West and Sigma Industry East North.

  • Sigma Industry East North

    Marieviksgatan 19C 117 43 Stockholm Sweden

  • Sigma Industry South

    Mobilvägen 10 223 62 Lund Sweden

  • Sigma Industry West

    Lindholmspiren 9 417 56 Göteborg Sweden

Erik Freese  |  CEO, Sigma Industry East North

Lars-Johan Ahlqvist  |  CEO, Sigma Industry South

Jens Wickström  |  CEO, Sigma Industry West

  • Sigma Industry Power and Energy

    Sigma Industry Power and Energy delivers skilled engineers within the electrical design, electrical power, and energy industries. Sigma Industry Power and Energy is part of the Sigma Industry South Group.

  • Sigma Industry Evolution

    Sigma Industry Evolution delivers Mechatronics, Electronics and Embedded Systems engineers for the industry and development companies in southern Sweden. Sigma Industry Evolution is part of Sigma Industry South Group.

  • Sigma Industry Solutions

    Sigma Industry Solutions focuses on advanced and challenging projects in automation and digitization. Sigma Industry Solutions is a company within the Sigma Industry South Group which also includes Industry South.

  • Sigma Embedded Engineering

    At Sigma Embedded Engineering, we focus on R&D, new technologies and new applications. Together with our customers, we develop solutions for electrification, AI, digitalisation and connectivity.

  • Sigma Energy & Marine

    Our heritage is built on water and on the natural power of the seas. With a deep understanding of this element and what it takes to be a humble part of it, we design to withstand the forces of nature.

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